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Featured BJJ Blog Articles

BJJ Grip Strength: 9 Best Exercises for Unbreakable Grips
Check out our complete guide covering everything you need to know to achieve unmatched BJJ grip strength. No Jiu Jitsu athlete should miss this.

Best Jiu Jitsu Stretches: 20+ Drills for Improving BJJ Mobility
Which Jiu Jitsu stretches can you do to increase hip and shoulder mobility? What is the optimal BJJ stretching routine? When to stretch for BJJ?

BJJ Memes: 15 of the best BJJ Jokes and Memes
Check out some of the best BJJ Jokes and BJJ Memes. They will surely make you laugh and have a familiar ring to you.

BJJ Journal: How to use a Training Journal + FREE Template
If you want to progress faster and never plateau, you will have to plan, structure and track your BJJ training sessions using a BJJ Journal.

BJJ Injuries: How Common are Severe Jiu Jitsu Injuries?
59% percent of Jiu Jitsu athletes sustained long-term BJJ injuries after 3 years of training, and most athletes frequently experience minor injuries.

Gordon Ryan MMA: When will “The King” debut in the UFC?
“The King” Gordon Ryan has been sitting on the BJJ throne for a while now, but will he also claim the MMA crown? When will he transition to MMA?

Gordon Ryan Steroids in BJJ: Is the King Natural or on PEDs?
Gordon “The King” Ryan has been dominating the NoGi grappling world many years now, but his status as a natural athlete is doubted by many as steroid and PED usage accusations arise.

Nicky Rod Steroids: Crazy 180lbs to 230lbs PED Transformation?
Because of his impressive physique and the absence of drug testing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Nicky Rod is accused to take steroids and other PEDs…

Best Cheap BJJ Shorts: Top 6 + Video Showcase Sizing Examples
BJJ Shorts don’t have to be overly expensive. Check out our Sizing Examples and Reviews of the Top 6 cheap BJJ Shorts available today.

Best Cheap BJJ Gi: Top 5 Affordable Jiu Jitsu Gis + Reddit’s Choice
With the help of the BJJ community we found the best cheap BJJ Gi available. Having fun and making progress doesn’t have to be expensive.